"We will support the guys for the cleaning." What, in Lukashenko's opinion, is the main value of Dazhynak
On September 8, 1996, the first Republican festival-fair of the village workers "Dazhynki" was held in Stolin. The President personally congratulated the harvest heroes on their labor victory and presented them with well-deserved prizes. This is how the tradition of honoring grain growers and summing up the harvest campaign was established in sovereign Belarus. In this release of BELTA's YouTube project "In fact: Solutions of the First", we will tell you how cities are changing thanks to "Dazhynki", why the festival has become a brand of the country, and what, according to the President, characterizes advanced economies.
Лукашэнка прыняў шэраг кадравых рашэнняў у судзейскім корпусе
Прэзідэнт Беларусі Аляксандр Лукашэнка 23 верасня падпісаў указ №372, якім прадугледжаны шэраг кадравых рашэнняў у судзейскім корпусе. Пра гэта БЕЛТА паведамілі ў прэс-службе кіраўніка дзяржавы. ...