Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79



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Лиозно Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Мемориальный комплекс "Танк" Лиозно. Ж/д станция


24 October 2011

?1.7m to be invested in Chashniki Distillery

VITEBSK, 24 October (BelTA) – A foreign investor has plans to produce biogas at Chashniki Distillery. The protocol of intent was signed by the Director of Chashniki Distillery and a representative of the foreign company Live Green Org Ngo, BelTA has learnt. The project is estimated at ?1.7 million. It provides for the construction of a biogas station operating on factory waste. The recycling of factory waste into biogas will allow preventing the emission of methane and polluting waste waters. The recycled manure, brewery mash and other types of waste can also be used as fertilizers, thus reducing the exposure of farmland to chemical substances. The project will allow saving up to 30% on purchasing gas, resolving the waste recycling issue, receiving high quality organic fertilizers and improving the environmental status of Chashniki and the Dvina-Daugava basin. The project is expected to pay back in about five years. The investment project was presented at the second international forum “Innovative business – investments into the future” that was held in Vitebsk on 21-22 October. The forum was aimed to step up cooperation between regions, towns, and economic operators, boost export and investments, forge new ties, present innovative ideas and projects. The business forum is organized by the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee.


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