Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79/2



Phone/fax: 8 (02138) 5 -25-69

Лиозно Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Лиозно. Ж/д станция Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


25 November 2008

Alexander Lukashenko criticises slow utilisation of investments in Vitebsk oblast small towns

Investments in the development of small towns and communities are utilised too slow in the Vitebsk oblast, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said at a session involving Vitebsk oblast top government officials on November 25. “The oblast should not care about flagship companies only. Stable progressive development depends on the operation of small and medium enterprises as well,” said the President. Alexander Lukashenko reminded, in H1 2008 the oblast failed to start virtually one in three of the 306 planned projects (Br255 billion in capital investments). “It is alarming that the industrial production of consumer goods is decreasing in several small towns of the region,” noted the head of state. He underscored that the economy of small towns (40 communities in the Vitebsk oblast) should become a priority for the Vitebsk oblast administration for the next few years. According to the President, there should be no companies offering salaries less than $200 in small and medium towns.

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