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14 May 2010

Belarus, Latvia can open passenger railway service in 2011

VITEBSK, 14 May (BelTA) – Belarus and Latvia can open passenger railway service in 2011, Transport and Communication Minister of Belarus Ivan Shcherbo told media on 14 May. In Vitebsk the minister attended a nationwide seminar on energy saving in the organizations of the Transport and Communication Ministry. “I cannot say that the train service will be opened next year precisely. We, jointly with our Latvian colleagues, have been working hard in this direction. The relevant instructions have been given to the Belarusian Railways Company and the railway administration of Latvia,” Ivan Shcherbo said. Besides, the issue is being thoroughly elaborated by the Belarus-Latvia commission for trade and economic cooperation led by the Transport Ministers of Belarus and Latvia. Different routes are considered including Minsk-Riga and Gomel-Minsk-Riga, Ivan Shcherbo added.

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