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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


11 August 2011

Braslav District should focus on tourism and agriculture

BRASLAV DISTRICT, 11 August (BelTA) –Tourism and agricultural industry should become priority avenues for Braslav District, chairman of the State Control Committee of Belarus Alexander Yakobson said as he met with the personnel of Mayak Braslavsky production cooperative on 11 August, BelTA has learned. Tourism industry in Braslav District should generate a considerable part of the gross regional product. In order to attract investors it is essential to develop the infrastructure, i.e. to build roads, provide engineering services, Alexander Yakobson added. Chairman of the Braslav District Executive Committee Piotr Grishkelyuk said that there are 133 agricultural and ecological farmsteads in the district. According to him, net profit of a family engaged tourism business makes up $6,000-7,000 per season. The development of agricultural and ecological tourism requires solicitous attitude to the environment. According to Alexander Yakobson, starting up big companies makes no economic sense. It is necessary to promote the agro-industrial complex. Alexander Yakobson describes current situation in the agro-industrial complex of the district as unsatisfactory. “The annual average yield of milk per cow at 3.6 tonnes is an anachronism,” he said. Alexander Yakobson urged farmers to reconsider approaches to economic indicators. “It is important to think not about quantitative indicators but about qualitative indicators, such as efficiency, low net cost, high labor productivity,” he said. Alexander Yakobson was briefed on the development of the local agricultural industry, progress in the harvesting campaign in Braslav District. He also met with representatives of Mayak Braslavsky production cooperative and Braslav bakery which is part of Vitebskkhlebprom Company.


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