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10 January 2011

Braslav District to build yacht club, alpine ski track by 2015

VITEBSK, 10 January (BelTA) – Braslav Town Hall proposed to include more than ten investment projects in the Braslav District development program, BelTA learned from Deputy Chairman of the Braslav Town Hall Valentina Vysotskaya. The development program of Braslav district as a national resort for 2011-2015 is in the pipeline. It takes into account the natural and cultural capacity of the region as well as the vicinity of Lithuanian and Latvian borders. The projects to build a hotel, an amusement park, an alpine ski track and a boarding house are promising and investment-friendly. Manifold lakes contribute to the development of water sports. Prospective investors can examine the construction site of the yacht club. Along with the proposals to develop the tourism and recreation infrastructure the program draft will focus on revamping and building roads, trade facilities and utilities service. The program will also concentrate on environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources. In particular, there are plans to upgrade lake shores and to build disposal facilities and bio-energy installations. In line with the program, the growth of paid services is projected to reach 211% over 2010; the revenue will increase by 115%. The number of employees in this industry is expected to increase 2.2 times. The draft of the development program of the Braslav recreation zone is prepared by the working group which consists of heads of ministries and other organizations. The project will be finished by February and submitted for the approval of the Belarusian head of state. In 2010 tourist and recreation facilities of Braslav District welcomed 11,500 people, more than 10,000 accommodated at hotels and boarding houses.

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