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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


18 October 2011

Business forum in Vitebsk to discuss Belarus-Latvia innovative cooperation

VITEBSK, 18 October (BelTA) – Promising areas of investment cooperation between Belarus and Latvia will be identified at the international business forum “Innovative business – investments into the future” that will be held in Vitebsk on 21-22 October, BelTA learnt from head of the investment bureau of the economy committee of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee Natalia Saltanovich. The roundtable session will bring together members of the Belarusian embassy in Latvia and the Latvian embassy in Belarus, businessmen from Latvia and Vitebsk Oblast, local authorities of Latvia’s Latgale region. Attending the forum will also be about 200 businessmen from Russia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the UK, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Italy, Norway, India and Vietnam. Eleven bilateral cooperation agreements and investment agreements are to be signed during the forum. The forum will feature a presentation of over 150 innovative and investment projects titled “Science. Innovations. Investment”, a presentation of priority projects in logistics, energy conservation, food and woodworking industries, machine building, pharmaceutics, and tourism. All the towns and districts of the oblast will present their investment potential. Natalia Saltanovich believes that meetings with representatives of foreign business circles help ramp up the bilateral cooperation between regions, cities, universities, scientific centers, economic operators, boost their investment, innovative and export potential, facilitate the implementation of joint projects and establishment of joint ventures, present innovative ideas and projects.


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