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Лиозно Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно. Ж/д станция Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


10 November 2009

Conference in Vitebsk to focus on improvement of work with gifted children

VITEBSK, 10 November (BelTA) – Participants of the interregional scientific and practical conference “Gifted children: discovering, teaching, developing” will discuss the ways to improve the work with gifted children. The conference will take place in Vitebsk on 11-12 November, BelTA learnt from the Vitebsk Oblast Institute of Education Development. Taking part in the conference will be more than 200 scientists, teachers, and methodologists from Belarus and specialists from St. Petersburg State University of Means of Communication. The conference is aimed at summarizing and spreading the experience of working with gifted children, defining the ways and forms of social, pedagogical and psychological support. Participants of the forum will discuss social, psychological and moral development of talented children, problems of professional and personal development of a teacher who can effectively teach and educate gifted children. The conference will work in several sections. The interregional scientific and practical conference is organized by the Vitebsk Oblast Institute of Education Development.

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