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2 November 2011

Foreign interest in holding company based on Orsha aircraft repairs plant

MINSK, 2 November (BelTA) – Foreign investors show an interest in setting up a holding company based on the Orsha aircraft repairs plant where a modern transportation and logistics center will be established, said Vadim Melnik, Director of the Aviation Department of the Belarusian Transport and Communication Ministry, on 2 November. Several foreign companies are interested in the project. The Ukrainian company Motor Sich is one of them. The company is respected in the world, said Vadim Melnik. The company is expected to be a parallel investor in the holding company’s foundation. BelTechExport has been chosen to be the main investor of the project. The official added that the investor had submitted a business plan and it had passed preliminary examination. The document laid down real capabilities of the project. With correct calculations and modernization the enterprise will be rather successful, Vadim Melnik is convinced. BelTA reported earlier that a transportation and logistics center will be set up at premises of the Orsha aircraft repairs plant. There are plans to build a modern warehouse terminal, office buildings that will house customs services, a bank, and a leasing company. The project provides for building a hotel and a cafй for aircraft crews and road carriers. The transportation and logistics center will be located at the crossroads of the second and ninth international transport corridors. An airfield nearby can handle virtually all types of craft, there is a railway access, too. In the future the center will be able to handle cargo traffic from various countries, including China. The Ukrainian company Motor Sich is a major manufacturer of aircraft and helicopter engines, industrial gas turbines.


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