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22 November 2010

Mariinsky Theatre to take part in Sollertinsky festival in Vitebsk

VITEBSK, 22 November (BelTA) – The 22nd Sollertinsky International Music Festival will open in Vitebsk on 2 December. The highlight of the festival will be a unique concert of soloists of the Mariinsky Theatre, Saint Petersburg, Artistic Director of the Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic Nelly Matsaberidze told reporters on 22 November, BelTA has learnt. The program of the music forum features ten concerts, from symphonic music to ballet performances. “It is the first time the music festival will bring together two types of art – ballet and classical piano music,” Nelly Matsaberidze said. The concert will take place on 3 December and will be timed to the birth of Ivan Sollertinsky. Taking part in the concert will be People’s Artist of Russia, prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theatre Yulia Makhalina, Honored Artist of Russia, leading dancer of the Mariinsky Theatre Ilya Kuznetsov and one of the most famous pianists of the world Maxim Mogilevsky (US). Ballet played a great role in the works of Ivan Sollertinsky; therefore, a decision was made to include it in the program of the festival. The classical music festival in Vitebsk is the only chamber music festival in Belarus to combine different types of art. The forum is aimed to promote modern and classical music, revive the great music traditions of Vitebsk and discover new music stars. The 22nd Sollertinsky International Music Festival is organized by the Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee, the Vitebsk City Executive Committee and the Vitebsk Regional Philharmonic.

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