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22 April 2010

Orsha to welcome Russian patriotic action Road of Glory on 22 April

VITEBSK, 21 April (BelTA) – Orsha will be the first Belarusian town to welcome participants of the Russian patriotic action Road of Glory on 22 April. The action is timed to the 65th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, BelTA learned from representatives of the Ideology Department of Orsha City Hall. On the eve of the celebration of the great date a special train will travel the road of glory. On board it will have veterans of the Great Patriotic War, those who defended the USSR’s western borders in the first days of the war, those that took part in the operation Bagration and other heroic battles, as well as around 300 representatives of children’s and youth public associations, patriotic clubs of Moscow. The action will begin in the Russian capital on 22 April. In the evening of the same day the train will arrive in Orsha. The schedule includes rallies at stations along the road, visits to memorable places, the placing of flowers and wreaths as well as sightseeing tours. In Orsha a rally and a concert will take place on an improvised stage near the Konstantin Zaslonov monument, which is next to the railway station. Orsha is preparing fireworks for the veterans. It will symbolize the first volleys by the famous multiple rocket launch systems Katyusha. The road of glory will take its participants to Moscow, Vyazma, Smolensk, Orsha, Minsk and Brest. Together with veterans the youngsters will go along the way of the Red Army’s retreat from Brest to Smolensk in summer 1941, liberation of the Russian land in 1944 and return to Moscow where the victorious troops threw down enemy’s banners and standards onto the ground during the Victory Parade in June 1945. The action is organized by the Public Relations Committee of the Moscow government.

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