Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79



Phone/fax: 8 (02138) 5 -25-69

Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Лиозно. Ж/д станция Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"
Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


16 August 2011

Orshastroimaterialy ships first cement blocks to Latvia

VITEBSK, 16 August (BelTA) – Orsha-based construction materials plant Orshastroimaterialy has shipped the first consignment of goods to Latvia, BelTA learned from the company. According to the agreement, the company delivered 14 wagons of cement blocks to the tune of ?54,000 to Riga. Within a few months the capital of Latvia will get about 500 cubic meters of Orsha construction materials. “Latvian partners do not have any complaints about our products. The schedule of deliveries is fully observed. Thus we have every reason to hope that our cooperation will continue next year,” according to the company. Cooperation with Latvia was made possible because in 2010 Orsha-based company received the European compliance certificate of the production control system. Previously the company exported goods to Russia only. In January-July Orshastroimaterialy’s output went up 42.6% over the same period last year to Br23.5 billion. The export of goods made up $1.3 million. The share of exports in the total volume of factory shipments was 21.6%. The backlogs of inventory accounted for 29% of the average monthly output. Energy savings made up 21.6% while the target was 12%. The company is expected to raise Br2 billion in fixed capital investments. Orshastroimaterialy manufactures cement blocks, pedestrian railings, stoneware. Cement blocks account for 96% of the companies output. The plant employs over 460 people.


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