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11 February 2011

Proleskovsky: law on publishing and printing industry will make publishing houses more competitive

VITEBSK, 11 February (BelTA) – The law on the publishing and printing industry, which is now being developed by the Information Ministry, will make Belarusian publishers and printers competitive, Information Minister Oleg Proleskovsky said at a session of the ideology department of the Vitebsk Oblast Executive Committee on 10 February. The document will address all the issues faced by publishing and printing companies. Similar documents have been adopted in Russia and Ukraine. The need for this document stems from the fact that due to certain economic conditions the Belarusian printing industry has become less competitive. Oleg Proleskovsky also pointed out that in the near future the Belarusian system of printing facilities will undergo restructuring. For example, there are plans to merge the Yakub Kolas Publishing House with Minsk Color Printing Factory. Municipal printing companies may be also restructured. The technological level of other companies will be brought up to date.

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