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Лиозно Мемориальный комплекс "Танк" Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Лиозно. Ж/д станция Лиозно. Центральная площадь


16 December 2011

Russia, Sweden, Latvia show interest in investment projects of Rossony District

VITEBSK, 16 December (BelTA) - Businessmen from Russia, Sweden and Latvia have showed an interest in the projects presented at the investment forum in Rossony District, BelTA learnt from the deputy chairman of the Rossony District Executive Committee Viktor Yurashkevich. According to him, the projects were presented to potential investors well in advance. So today the guests and the project initiators were, in fact, conducting bilateral talks discussing the details of the projects and familiarizing themselves with production sites. Thus, representatives of the joint Belarusian-Swedish joint venture Beltitan visited the Lesnoye recreational facility. In the near future it could become a prestigious business center. The Swedish businessmen plan to inject over $1 million into this project. Representatives of the VSM Holding Company from St. Petersburg studied in detail the project from the private production unitary enterprise “Vladimir and Danila” aimed at expanding the production base and increasing the output of frozen wild and garden berries and mushrooms. Investors from another company from St. Petersburg got acquainted with the development prospects of the local brick factory (a branch of the Obol ceramic factory). Guests from Latvia got interested in two projects: a possibility to use the vacant premises of the private unitary enterprise “Effekt” to start wood processing, and a possibility to open a year-round recreation tourist camp for children and teenagers at the Gorbachovo secondary school. “The sides are planning to formalize the intent on cooperation on these projects in the near future, after thorough discussion of all details,” Viktor Yurashkevich said. Districts of Vitebsk Oblast actively participate in regional investment forums to promote their projects and find investors. Almost all districts of Vitebsk Oblast held presentations of investment projects for foreign businessmen this year. Twenty-eight forums were held from January to September. Another 14 will be organized by the end of the year.


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