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Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79/2



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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Мемориальный комплекс "Танк" Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно Лиозно. Ж/д станция
Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


23 January 2008

Vitebsk House-Building Factory to renovate production capacities in 2008

In 2008, the Vitebsk-based House Building Factory will start to renovate its structural subdivision – the plant of large-panel house-building, BelTA learnt in the company. The project is aimed at boosting the production capacities due to new up-to-date equipment and technologies and also energy consumption reduction. In line with the action plan, all the technological lines of the plant will be replaced. The renovation project will be implemented in two years without suspension of production. In 2008, Br47.5 billion will be assigned for modernization of the plant. The equipment will be supplied by the Italian, German and Belarusian companies which were determined during a tender. The renovation of the plant of large-panel house-building is a part of the investment project which is implemented by the Vitebsk House Building Factory in line with the 2006-2010 state programme of development of the material and technical base of the construction branch. The total cost of the project is Br120 billion (company’s own funds, loans and the funds of the innovation fund of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction). During the implementation of the project, the plant has already purchased a tower crane, 4 autocranes, 7 excavators, a power grader, 5 bulldozers. In 2008, the plant is expected to purchase equipment at the amount of around Br5 billion.
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