Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79/2



Phone/fax: 8 (02138) 5 -25-69

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Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


13 June 2008

Vitebsk oblast puts Br11 billion in demography programme

Over Br11 billion was utilized in the Vitebsk oblast to implement the demographic security programme, Mikhail Leschinsky, the chairman of the committee for labour, employment and social protection of the oblast executive committee, stated at a session of the Vitebsk oblast executive committee on June 12. The programme enabled the oblast to complete the reconstruction of the Orsha maternity home, open a cardiosurgery department in the oblast hospital. Some 19 ambulance stations in the rural regions were amped up with special medical equipment. The oblast supplied rural hospitals with 216 ambulance vehicles, 27 diagnostic machines. Production traumatism in the oblast fell 20% owing to the measures on labour protection. Over the first five months of 2008, the oblast welcomed 128 newborns more than on the same time last year. The common death-rate structure did not change despite a 7%-reduction in mortality in January-May 2008 as against 2007. Half of the cases leading to death was blood circulatory system diseases, 13% were caused by external factors including alcohol poisoning, road accidents and suicides.
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