Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79/2



Phone/fax: 8 (02138) 5 -25-69

Лиозно. Ж/д станция Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Мемориальный комплекс "Танк" Лиозно Лиозно. Центральная площадь
Лиозно. Ж/д станция


7 October 2008

Vitebsk Poultry Plant launches biggest in Belarus hatching unit

The Vitebsk Poultry Plant has launched the industrial hatching unit which will produce 20 million eggs a year. This hatching unit is the biggest in Belarus, BelTA learnt from director of the plant Anna Shareiko. In line with the biosafety requirements, the industrial hatching unit was placed 7 kilometers far from the plant. The specialized equipment was supplied by a Dutch company. The system is fully computerized and automated. The Vitebsk Poultry Plant invested Br10 billion in construction of the new hatching unit. Owing to the industrial hatching unit, the poultry plant will produce 100 thousand chickens daily. In 2008, the plant intends to produce 22 thousand tonnes of poultry, by 2010 – 35 thousand tonnes. In a month, the Vitebsk Poultry Plant intends to launch the first shop for parent flock. The second shop will be launched in 2009. The technical re-equipment and modernization of the Vitebsk Poultry Plant is carried out in line with the programme of poultry breeding development in the Republic of Belarus for 2006-2010. During the implementation of the programme, the Vitebsk Poultry Plant has invested more than Br50 billion in the production. Over the nine months 2008, the poultry stock increased almost by 13% as against the same period of 2007. The plant produced more than 15 tonnes of poultry meat, or 30% up over the same period of last year. The plant exports 25% of the total production. The Vitebsk Poultry Plant produces more than 230 kinds of poultry meat products including smoked meat products, chicken liver paste, sausages. The Vitebsk Poultry Plant was founded in 1981. In 2004, the company was incorporated. The authorized fund of the company is Br70.9 billion. The state owns 99.59% of shares. The Vitebsk Poultry Plant employs more than 2 thousand people.

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