Address: 211220,
Vitebsk Region, Liozno,
Str. Lenina, 79



Phone/fax: 8 (02138) 5 -25-69

Лиозно Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно. Ж/д станция Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


26 September 2011

Vitebsk raises Br1.3 trillion in investment in January-August

VITEBSK, 26 September (BelTA) – In January-August 2011 Vitebsk raised about Br1.3 trillion in investment, BelTA learned from Deputy Chairman of Vitebsk City Hall Zinaida Koroleva. The volume of investments went up almost 18% over the same period last year. Construction, revamping and reconstruction of production facilities were the most investment-friendly industries. According to Zinaida Koroleva, to date the volume of fixed capital investments is on the increase. Thus, investments to buy equipment and machinery gained 46.5% to reach Br588.8 billion in January-August 2011. In 2011 the city of Vitebsk is planning to implement 18 investment projects to the tune of Br75 billion as part of the State Investment Program for 2011. In January-July 2011 the city implemented Вr46.2 billion worth of investment projects, or 61.6% of the annual target. The state program helped set up a unique medical library at the Vitebsk State Medical University. Vitebsk is expected to implement 185 projects as part of the Vitebsk Oblast investment and innovative development program. In 2011 the city started to implement 138 projects. In order to raise more investments, Vitebsk authorities concluded 30 investment agreements in Vitebsk (more than a half of all projects will be implemented in Vitebsk Oblast). Vitebsk has already put into operation a number of facilities and created over 400 jobs.


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