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31 October 2011

Vitebsk Technological University, Copernicus University of Poland sign cooperation agreement

VITEBSK, 31 October (BelTA) – The Vitebsk State Technological University and the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun will expand cooperation on the basis of the cooperation agreement which was signed during the international research-to-practice conference in Vitebsk on 27-28 October, BelTA learnt from the management chair of the Vitebsk university. The document gives an opportunity to intensify cooperation in joint research, exchange of information, educational and methodical literature, promotion of academic contacts between students and professors. The agreement opens up new possibilities for cooperation in the training of research specialists, joint publication of monographs, manuals, joint conferences and seminars. Partnership between the Vitebsk and Polish universities has become a good example of how the cooperation agreement between the management department of the Vitebsk university and the European integration department of the Polish school has evolved into the partnership between the universities as a whole, experts said. The international research-to-practice conference “Socio-economic development of organizations and regions of Belarus: objectives, priorities, mechanisms of structural transformation” in Vitebsk university brought together specialists from 35 leading research centers and universities in Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Belarus. This year the traditional forum focused on the objectives, priorities and mechanisms of structural transformations in the economy, development of effective tools to overcome the difficult situation in the socio-economic development of Belarus. Representatives of the scientific community discussed strategic issues of scientific-technological and innovation development and new regulatory models, analyzed the characteristics and impact of the global financial and economic crisis on the countries, regions and enterprises and modernization of national economies. The international research-to-practice conference was organized by the Vitebsk State Technological University.


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