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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры Лиозно. Центральная площадь Лиозно. Ж/д станция Мемориальный комплекс "Танк" Лиозно
Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


25 October 2011

Vitebsk University designs ceramic plates for bulletproof vests

VITEBSK, 25 October (BelTA) – The Physics Department of the Piotr Masherov State University of Vitebsk suggests using three-layer armor plates to make bulletproof vests lighter. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Yuri Bokhan, Dean of the Physics Department, informed BelTA about the new product. The university has designed and created three-layer armor plates able to protect wearers from bullets fired with Kalashnikov assault rifles (steel-core, 5.45mm bullets) or bullets fired with Dragunov sniper rifles (steel-core, 7.62mm bullets). The bulletproof vest comprises two layers of ceramic plates with a layer of ceramic balls in between. The balls float in a special composite compound that makes the middle layer sticky and even flexible. Kevlar fabric can be used inside for better protection. Upon impact with the vest bullets are shattered and lose their lethality. The new product can reduce the weight of a bulletproof vest from 20kg (a product with standard popular steel plates) to 6-7kg without damaging the functionality. Tests have proved that the new bulletproof vest can provide at least the third degree protection as stipulated by the Russian standard GOST R 50744-95. The new product can be used to make bulletproof vests, equipment for various special ops forces, to make protective plates for vehicles for the sake of preventing deformations that can be lethal for people.


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