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Лиозно. Центральная площадь


13 November 2008

Alexander Lukashenko: Belarus should preserve development pace

In the global economic crisis Belarus should survive and preserve the development pace, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko told a government session dedicated to discussing the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures on November 13. “We should export products. Fairy-tales about consumers not having money and how it is impossible to sell products because of that are not needed. At present there are enough consumers on foreign markets able to buy our products,” underscored the head of state. Alexander Lukashenko demanded firm fulfilment of three directives, namely directives on de-bureaucratisation, economy and frugality, and discipline. “Demands should be most severe. Iron measures should be introduced in this area. It should be kept in mind that today nobody can outline the borders of the global economic crisis clearly. This is why introduce iron discipline, build up frugality and economy,” said the President. The head of state instructed to review the handling of human resources to make it as open and understandable as possible and based on sound competition between abilities and competence of contenders. “The state for people is the basic principle of our policy. In order to reach the goal, I will not stop the firm fight against corruption, which is rust able to push the country into an abyss of economic, social and political shocks. The strictest requirements for honesty and ethics of personnel are of primary importance. Especially for those who are supposed to protect the law and the state. Law enforcement officers should care about the purity of their ranks a hundred times more than the rest of government officials. Because only pure hands can bring things in order in the country,” stated Alexander Lukashenko. “I’ve said many times that bureaucracy is the most favourable ground for breeding corruption. Lease of trade areas, tenders, allocation of land plots, licensing of various businesses, various kinds of auditing make part of the list of active corruption areas, which need special attention. These procedures should be handled in a way bureaucrats have no influence on. Then there will be nothing to give bribes for,” believes the President. He also emphasised, people trust the authorities and the state cannot treat people without trust and respect.


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