Alexander Lukashenko: country expects effective ideas and breakthrough technologies from scientists
The country expects scientists to produce effective ideas and breakthrough technologies in all areas of the national economy. The statement was made by President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko as he presented doctor of science certificates and professor diplomas to scientific and scientific and pedagogic workers on January 29.
The President remarked, first of all, the state needs scientific solutions to problems in the energy industry, information technologies, medicine and biotechnologies, development of new products, radical boost of the quality and competitive ability of Belarusian commodities on the home and foreign markets as well as serious research in social and humanitarian sciences. “I am convinced our science can manage these tasks. Optimism and confidence are inspired by the positive tendencies of more and more prominent growing ties between the science and the manufacturing industry,” said the head of state.
Alexander Lukashenko remarked, this year the country has very tense and responsible goals to achieve. It is necessary to considerably improve the effectiveness of the manufacturing industry, to vigorously assimilate innovations in all branches of the national economy. The President admitted, in view of the skyrocketing prices for energy and other resources it would be very complicated to ensure the fulfilment of these plans. Which is why peculiar hopes are attached to the Belarusian science and its headquarters — the National Academy of Sciences.
“Belarusian scientists together with the manufacturing industry have to mobilize their resources and ensure a quality new level of the technologic structure of all branches of the national economy using the latest technologies,” stressed the head of state. He reminded, the previous year the First Congress of Scientists had formulated a complex of measures meant to promote priority areas of scientific research and development.
According to Alexander Lukashenko, through the difficult times Belarus has managed to preserve its scientific potential and reinforce it. Last year 53 doctors of science and 531 candidates of science replenished the ranks of the country’s intellectual elite. During the same period professor degree was awarded to 63 aspirants while 407 scientists received the associate professor degree.