MINSK, 27 April (BelTA) – The preparation of Belarus’ national exposition for the World EXPO 2010 has proved the country has a lot to demonstrate in the area of urban development, green spaces arrangement, landscaping and creation of comfortable living conditions in the city, Deputy Trade Minister Irina Narkevich told the press on 26 April.
The exposition theme, Better City, Better Life, will be presented at the Belarusian pavilion through its exhibits including holograms, pictures and multimedia presentations. The key areas will embrace ecological wellbeing, scientific innovations and technologies, the level of the life in the cities and small settlements, history and prospects for developing the Belarusian towns. Belarus’ pavilion will show that the country looks to the future and is ready to demonstrate its achievements to the world. The past, the present and the future, Belarus’ economic potential will be displayed with the help of up-to-date electronic and information systems, virtual technologies.
The exposition will provide a sampling of wines and beverages, confectionary. The Trade Ministry jointly with the Belyuvelirtorg Company will organize a souvenir shop offering products made from straw, flax, birch bark, wood, glass and crystal. A part of the souvenirs will be for sale, the rest will be a gift at various presentations. The National Bank of the Republic of Belarus has issued souvenir coins to the opening ceremony of the exposition in Shanghai. There were produced 5000 coins at the Lithuanian Mint Company. Moreover, there were produced commemorative medals and badges, souvenirs with the expo emblem.
The Sport and Tourism Ministry has developed tourist routes around China during the World EXPO 2010 and announced a lottery, with the family trip to Shanghai as the main prize. Some part of the lotto revenues will be used to finance the expenditures on the national expo. Sponsors are welcomed. A bank account has been opened to collect funds of the Belarusian leading banks and financially sound companies. Among the major sponsors Irina Narkevich named Priorbank, Belinvestbank, Belvneshekonombank, Belpromstroibank, Beltelecom, Triple, Beltransgaz, Belneftekhim, the Olivaria Brewery, MTS and others. “It is a world practice applied when such national expositions are organized at the prestigious international and world expos,” the deputy minister noted.