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21 October 2011

Belarus to raise pensions by 20% on 1 November

MINSK, 21 October (BelTA) – Belarus is going to increase pensions by 20% starting from 1 November 2011, Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Anatoly Tozik said at a joint session of the two chambers of the National Assembly on 21 October, BelTA has learnt. “We are set to raise pensions considerably from 1 November. They will grow definitely, but I cannot tell you exactly how much, approximately by 20%,” the Vice Premier said. Anatoly Tozik also said that at present the government is working on the “targeted support of those who really need it”. He emphasized that pensions, salaries, allowances will be raised using the revenue part of the budget. No emission resources are needed for that. “We, at the government, have no disagreements about that. We have resources today to do what I have just said – the revenue part of the budget,” Anatoly Tozik said.

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