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1 October 2008

Foreign investors more and more interested in Belarus

The interest of foreign investors in Belarus is on the rise, Chairman of the German-Belarusian Economic Club Klaus Bayer said in Minsk on October 1 during the opening of the German Economy Day in Belarus. He remarked the Belarusian government had taken serious measures to improve the investment climate, which is a major condition for the free development of companies and attraction of investments into the infrastructure. “The interest of foreign companies in Belarus as an investment object is on the rise,” stressed Klaus Bayer. The development of Belarusian-German relations will give a new boost to revealing Belarus’ economic potential, he added. In his opinion efforts meant to create the best favourable conditions for business operation should be exercised at all levels as companies still face certain barriers in their everyday operation. “Further improvement of the investment climate is a goal for the entire society and is of vital importance for developing the economy and improving living standards of the people,” underscored Klaus Bayer.

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