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Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


16 December 2008

Gas service extended to all Belarus’ regional centres

Berezino was the last out of 118 regional centres of Belarus where the natural gas service was installed. Attending the ceremony of launching the natural gas supply network was President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, BelTA informs. The natural gas service was first provided in 1960 when the gas main Dashava-Minsk was put into operation. In the Soviet times the gas service was mainly extended to those settlements that were in the close vicinity of the gas mains because the installation of gas networks was complicated and expensive. According to the Head of State, that hampered the equal social and economic development of the regions, especially small towns and villages, which had a negative impact on the well-being of their citizens. That was the reason why a goal was set to introduce gas service all over the country. Beginning 1995, the gas service has been rapidly installed in Belarus; more than 21,000km out of today’s 36,000 km of gas pipelines was laid. In the Minsk oblast alone, the gas service was extended to 28 towns and 394 villages. The President noted that the implementation of the national rural revival programme gave a powerful impetus to the installation of gas service in the countryside. All in all, up to Br 40 billion will be allocated to extend the gas service to the Minsk oblast towns and villages for the period till 2011. Alexander Lukashenko made a tour of the Berezino Cheese-Making Plant. The Head of State was reported about the implementation of the instruction related to dry whey production. The company launched the whey-processing investment project in 2007. Whey is used in the production of feeds, and meat products, confectionary and bakery goods, and is a substitute of whole milk. Providing the prices remain stable, the project will pay back in five and a half years. Twenty-four new jobs will be created in the course of the project. In 2009, the company plans to reconstruct the cheese-making shop to increase the capacity to 15 tonnes of hard rennet cheese per day. The President of Belarus also got familiar with the new technology of milk processing, dry whey production equipment and tasted the products made by the company.

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