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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


29 October 2010

Housing entitlement rules for large families may be revised in Belarus

BREST, 29 October (BelTA) - Housing entitlement rules for large families may be revised in Belarus, President Alexander Lukashenko said when talking to Brest residents. “We might revise the rules: if a family has three children, they will have a three-room apartment, and possibly free of charge. We will also consider the provision of additional assistance for kids,” the head of state said. Alexander Lukashenko reiterated that the country needs to increase the birthrate. “No children means there is no country, he said. The mayor of Brest reported that a great amount of housing is constructed in the city every year, which allowed reducing the waiting lists from 17 years to 7 years. During a walk with Alexander Lukashenko around the Brest downtown, residents also raised the issue of wages. The president assured that the target to increase the average wages to $500 in equivalent by the end of the year will be met. He also remarked that a year earlier another goals was set, which was to raise the lower limit of wages to $200 in equivalent. “I agree, we need to increase wages. But apart from Belarus no other state raises this topic. In this issue we have spoiled people a little bit. Wages have to be earned,” the president said.


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