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9 September 2009

Hugo Chavez: Belarus, Venezuela should join new global alliance

MINSK, 9 September (BelTA) – Belarus and Venezuela should join a new global alliance, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said as he met with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in Minsk on 9 September. “We should create a new alliance of republics. It will not be a union of Soviet or socialist republics, those will be independent republics with their own systems united in an alliance,” the Venezuelan guest said. The Venezuelan leader underlined that Belarus and Venezuela need to mull over all the issues again to get even closer to each other. It is particularly important in the time of crisis. According to Hugo Chavez, crisis is a period when something dies, but not completely, while something brand new is born. This is why we need to take efforts to help these new things thrive. “The existing global system serves the minority. This is why we should unite our efforts to promote the interests of the majority,” the Venezuelan President said. Talking about a new global alliance, Hugo Chavez explained that this alliance does not mean the unification of all the countries in one tight bloc, but allows a variety of different blocs and “small cores” united into a single alliance. This alliance will facilitate financial, economic, technological, cultural and other kinds of cooperation and development of a new single growth strategy, the Venezuelan leader said. Hugo Chavez pointed out that due to the close cooperation between Belarus and Venezuela now all Latin America knows about Belarus, knows the name of its capital and its leader. “A few years ago nobody knew that. When I came to visit Fidel Castro several years ago and told him about the progress we achieved in our relations with Belarus, he told me, “Chavez, you are like Columbus.” By discovering each other Belarus and Venezuela can unite to work out a coordinated plan of action, Hugo Chavez said. The President of Venezuela told Alexander Lukashenko about his impressions of driving a Belarusian bus the day before. “I liked to be a bus driver. I want such buses circulate in Venezuela,” Hugo Chavez said.


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