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24 September 2010

Lukashenko: Belarusian state is no ‘warden’

MINSK, 24 September (BelTA) – Interpretation of the state as a ‘warden’ and a passive observer that lives off taxes does not match Belarus, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said in his speech before students and lecturers of the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the Belarus President on 24 September. According to the President, the Belarusian state is strong and is responsible for very many areas. Alexander Lukashenko said that in the modern world the role of the state is not simple. “It is necessary to answer questions: what the state is supposed to do and what it isn’t. Is the state a ‘warden’ or something else?” said the President. Approaches vary. There are states which functions are minimized, states that watch events unfold. And there are states that take the full responsibility for the destiny of their people, for the present and future of the country. Speaking about the global financial crisis, Alexander Lukashenko said that the cause of the crisis was the state’s decision to leave the financial system in hands of private business and sometimes unfit people. The role of the state was increased in order to recover from the crisis. Both Europe and America did what Belarus has been doing all the time and what Belarus and primarily Alexander Lukashenko have been criticized for, said the Belarusian head of state. The conclusion is the state should interfere, if possible, in all processes of the society’s life. The state must not interfere in the processes it cannot manage, said Alexander Lukashenko. Alexander Lukashenko said that in any situation the Belarusian state can take effective measures and ensure order, social, economic and public development and stability in the country. The President spoke about criminal groups that ran rampant and penetrated everything in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union collapsed. “In the mid-1990s we had to restore the government system literally from the ashes because there was no other way. Back then there was no hope for private initiative, for self-organization of the society, for self-development of the economy”, said Alexander Lukashenko. Alexander Lukashenko said that while others spoke in favor of completely destroying the state and selling the property, he set out to make the state stronger. “Simultaneously we were learning how to effectively manage the property, how to operate in market terms. We were developing the society and accumulating self-government skills. We were introducing the same economic and social institutions that developed nations have but wisely,” he said. According to the President, Belarus has chosen the way of thoughtful step-by-step assimilation of the commonly recognized standards taking into account national interests and peculiarities of transition processes in the country. “Years later we have got the confirmation that we did the right thing. This is why the interpretation of the state as a ‘warden’ and a passive observer that lives off taxes only does not match Belarus. We chose the powerful state that took the responsibility for many areas and we haven’t had to regret the choice so far”.


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