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16 December 2010

Lukashenko says he is not worried by reports about assassination attempts

MIR, 16 December (BelTA) - Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko says he is not worried by the reports about the attempts on his life. The president made this statement when answering the questions of journalists. When addressing a question to the head of state, reporters noted that a few months ago there was a video on the Internet featuring an officer of Russia’s special services, who spoke about possible physical elimination of the President of Belarus. Recently one of the presidential candidates, when speaking to the electorate, said that the issue of the regime change in Belarus can be solved by a bullet of a Russian sniper. In this regard, Alexander Lukashenko was asked how he reacts to these things and whether there are real threats at his life. “There are real threats to any person. We live in such a complex world that threats are very real, not only to the life of the President. For a decade and a half, especially the last ten years, there have been many threats and talks about some bullets, shells and so on. But I am still alive and well, thank God. So I take this easy,” the president said. As for the statement of one of the presidential candidates, the President of Belarus stated: “He is just a kid, a silly kid. If he had been wiser, we would not have said this”. Alexander Lukashenko reiterated that such statements do not bother him any more “I just got used to these threats. It is not for us to decide who lives and how long. It is always destined up there, I believe,” the Belarusian leader said. “It is very difficult to throw me off my stride by such statements today,” he added. In this respect, the Belarusian head of state reminded journalists of an incident that took place in 1994 during his first election campaign when his car was shot at. “I guess they just wanted to scare me. Had they wanted to kill me, they would have done it,” said the president.

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