More than 300 companies from 18 countries to take part in Belarusian Industrial Forum
More than 300 companies from 18 countries will take part in the Belarusian Industrial Forum which will be held in Minsk on May 13-16, Alexander Maloletov, the head of the foreign and economic ties department of the Belarusian Industry Ministry, told a press conference in Minsk.
The programme of the forum will include international symposium “Technologies – Equipment – Quality”, exhibitions “Belpromexpo – up-to-date plant”, “Energy and Resource-Saving Technologies”, “Welding” and also the 5th international contest of energy and resource-saving technologies and equipment and the 4th national contest of welders. Some 14 seminars and round tables for specialists will be held within the framework of the forum.
According to Alexander Maloletov, the Belarusian Industrial Forum is an important event not only for the Industry Ministry but also for many ministries and governmental departments of the country. It is a traditional display of up-to-date innovation technologies and equipment. The forum will pay a special attention to the problems of energy-saving and energy efficiency. This issue will become one of the most important problems at a plenary session of symposium “Technologies – Equipment – Quality”.
International specialized exhibition “Energy and Resource-Saving Technologies” will include two sections. Thus, section “Waste Energy” will present the up-to-date approaches to the use of local fuel types and combustible wastes at boiler-houses and technological installations. Section “Energy Saving in Construction” will showcase energy efficient technologies and construction materials.
Exhibition “Belpromexpo – up-to-date plant” is expected to be popular among industrialists. The exhibition will display technological equipment not only for big plants but for small companies as well. On the initiative of the Industry Ministry a workshop will be organized on the base of a subsidiary production unit of ZAO Atlant. There participants of the forum will be able to get familiar with the organization of a new production facility.
This year expositions of all the oblasts of the country and free economic zones will be presented at the Belarusian Industrial Forum for the first time. Display “Regions of Russia” will showcase the products produced by companies of the Volgograd, Samara and Novgorod oblasts of the Russian Federation”.