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16 September 2009

Nearly ?155m to be put in Belarus-Austria joint venture construction

MINSK, 16 September (BelTA) – A preliminary volume of investments in the construction of a woodprocessing facility in Belarus jointly with the Austrian company EGGER will make up almost ?155 million, Forestry Minister of Belarus Piotr Latushko told media on 16 September. The company will be constructed in the Borisov forestry with all necessary infrastructure provided. The facility is expected to process nearly 800,000 cubic meters of trunk wood a year. 350 new workplaces will be available. According to Piotr Semashko, it will be a high-technology production facility fitted with all contemporary equipment. The construction will last for approximately two years. The payback period will make up 10 years. Belarus has prepared all necessary documents and submitted them to the Austrian company. According to Piotr Latushko, while choosing a foreign investor, the Forestry Ministry focused on several criteria: a joint project should be economically sound and not harm the environment, it should stimulate production and help develop new competitive products.

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