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Мемориальный комплекс "Танк"


5 February 2009

No plans to cut down Slavonic Bazaar funding, Pavel Borodin says

The Union State budget funding of the international arts festival Slavonic Bazaar in Vitebsk will not be reduced, Secretary of State of the Union State Pavel Borodin told a press conference in Moscow on February 5. “Funding reduction is out of the question,” said Pavel Borodin. Contrariwise, the Union State budget will increase appropriations for the prestigious festival. While last year the Union State budget allocated RUB23 million for the festival, this year the sum will make RUB25 million. Deputy Secretary of State of the Union State Sergei Shukhno added, the larger part of the Slavonic Bazaar funding comes from the Belarusian budget. In his words, they are now working on a new concept of the festival. The festival will still, however, include the Union State Day, which has been held as part of the Vitebsk forum for years.

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