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Лиозно. Районный центр культуры


25 June 2008

Science, high technology, education are main cooperation venues between Minsk and Changchun

Science, high technology and education are the main venues of cooperation between Minsk and Changchun, Vice Mayor of Changchun Qian Longsheng said at a press conference in Minsk devoted to the sci-tech cooperation between the two cities. According to him, Belarus has a high scientific potential in machinery construction, agriculture, nature management. Changchun, in turn, is one of the leading regions of China in research potential. “We have a lot of common interests and further development of friendly links between the two cities will promote the development of scientific branches of Belarus and China, will help implement new joint projects in various industries of the national economy,” he added. In turn, the deputy chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology of Belarus, Vladimir Pranovich, said that sci-tech cooperation between Minsk and Changchun is a priority in the cooperation between Belarus and China. In 2005 Changchun hosted the Days of Science of Belarus which helped intensify partner links between research institutions of the two countries. “According to the 2006-2010 cooperation programme in science and technology, Belarusian specialists cooperate with partners from Jilin Province under four out of 26 research projects,” he said. “Most promising cooperation areas are industry, science, education and tourism,” he said.
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