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14 July 2008

Sculptor Maxim Petrul represents Belarus at Beijing International Art Exhibition

Sculptor Maxim Petrul is representing Belarus at the 3rd Beijing International Art Exhibition. The layout has opened in the Beijing National Museum of Arts within the framework of the Olympic Festival of Culture which is held on the eve of the Olympic Games. Young sculptor Maxim Petrul actively takes part in international sculptor open-air art conferences, symposiums and contests. The sculptures created by Maxim Petrul have been already erected in the parks of the Chinese cities of Fuzhou and Kunming. On August 11, Maxim Petrul will demonstrate his new work at the international contest Olympic Art 2008 in Beijing. The exposition will operate during the Olympic Games. Organizers of the event intend to set up the Museum of Olympic Art in Beijing where Belarus will be represented by Maxim Petrul’s work “Ties”.

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