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5 July 2011

Task force to fight red tape set up by Government of Belarus

MINSK, 5 July (BelTA) - The government of Belarus has set up a task force on de-bureaucratization of government bodies and organizations and their relationships with citizens and legal entities, BelTA learnt from the press service of the government. The task force is headed by Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Anatoly Tozik. The group also includes Deputy Justice Minister Alla Bodak and Deputy Economy Minister Dmitry Golukhov. “Complaints and applications show that excessive bureaucratic procedures impede business initiative, do not allow business entities to make prompt decisions taking into account market trends. These unnecessary procedures require additional time and effort, which is perceived negatively in the society,” said the press service. Unnecessary paperwork in the system of government slows down decision-making, and increases the timeframe for developing regulations. The system of bureaucratic relations does not encourage government bodies to look into the merits of the issues, which is within their purview, but to shift responsibility for their solution to higher-level authorities. To eliminate unnecessary paperwork, streamline and simplify the decision-making in the executive branch, the Prime Minister issued a regulation to set up a special task force. Its primary goal is to consider the information and proposals from individuals and juridical entities regarding the issues that come within the purview of the task force, prepare proposals including draft enactments, issues that require the government’s attention, as well as motions for bringing to responsibility the officials who breach the legislation on administrative procedures. In addressing the most complex issues, the task force will invite specialists from government bodies and other state-run organizations as well as local executive and administrative bodies. “For collecting and analyzing information, the official website of the Belarusian government ( has opened a special section where individuals and juridical entities can send their proposals and other information valuable for cutting red tape. The relevant information can be also mailed to or to the address: 11 Sovetskaya Street, Minsk 220010 (House of Government),” the press service noted.


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