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25 September 2024

"Unity and discipline." Lukashenko spoke about the state defense system created in Belarus

The country's defense system has already been created in Belarus. This was stated by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting during a visit to the 230th combined arms training ground Obuz-Lesnovsky.

"I've been saying this for a long time: We are a compact, small country in terms of population. We are not Russia, especially not China, India or the NATO bloc. According to our economic capabilities, we cannot maintain an army that is needed for war, so we need to adapt," Alexander Lukashenko stressed.

The President noted that the Armed Forces are called upon to defend the state, but if necessary, territorial defense and a people's militia will be promptly organized. In this case, the number of defenders of the motherland will increase many times. "But for this it is necessary to have unity and discipline in the country. We have it," the head of state said.

At the same time, Alexander Lukashenko instructed to update the tasks of territorial defense, taking into account modern conditions of warfare. "And the people's militia — so that a person who does not join the army, but who is well-equipped with weapons, can protect the house. We have a defined system. We are checking it: to the Secretary of State (of the Security Council. — Approx. BELTA) the task is set ironically so that everything is checked not for show, starting from the people's militia to the Armed Forces. That is, we have created a defense system for our country," the commander—in-chief said.

Earlier, the head of state gave the task to put on special account citizens who served in special units of law enforcement agencies. "We will check all units in the near future. Why do I insist on this: This special training cost us a lot. It is a lot of money to train such special forces," the President explained.

The Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen also has its own tasks: everyone who owns weapons should be ready to defend the country if necessary. "We have a lot of hunters, they should have their own unit with their own weapons. And it needs to be looked at: how it is created, what is created. Where will we train better snipers than them? Therefore, it should be used, treated like a master. And not to count, as in Soviet times: they will give us money, we will build a military town, we will recruit a lot of people there, we will teach them, as we usually do in the army, and then they will learn how to fight. This is how we will put the economy, our poor people will walk. We cannot invest such huge amounts of money in such a training system," Alexander Lukashenko drew attention.

He also recalled his instruction to improve the training of military personnel in the army itself: "So that there is no excessive drill, so that the guys are physically ready. Physical training, as well as fire, tactical and the study of modern weapons, should be in the first place."

"That is, the army needs to be shaken up and brought to an ideal state, as long as we have unity in society and discipline. When we finish the "showdown" in agriculture on cleaning and other issues, the winter period will come — the inspection will be the most severe in all directions. The military in general. Not only the army, but also the Interior Ministry, the State Security Committee. Everyone has tasks assigned to them, everyone knows everything — they must be fulfilled," the Belarusian leader concluded.

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